Letters From Prison [#2]

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By Tierce Green

33 The Series is being used very effectively in prisons all across the country. Learning and processing the principles of Authentic Manhood can have a direct impact on the recidivism rate—the tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend. Below is another man’s story from behind bars.

My Brother Tierce,

Let me begin with a big THANK YOU! I can’t begin to tell you how much we were were blessed by your visit, your words of encouragement and teaching. I now have men coming up to me throughout the Unit asking me about 33 The Series and how they can get into the Authentic Manhood class. Seeing you in the videos then meeting you in person and knowing I can call you MY BROTHER is such an encouragement to me!

I found my way to prison at the age of 36 after many years of addictions and living for myself. I kept falling for the lies in spite of my life spiraling out of control. I grew up in a Catholic home, attended every required mass, and even did some altar boy service when I was younger. I can’t say that I didn’t know God, because I did, or maybe I just knew a lot about Him.

It was in the Faith Based Dorm that I was challenged to join a small group of men for 60 days and to complete a book called “Experiencing God.” I had always been a runner from things that were too difficult or required commitment, but I committed to these seven men. I opened my heart to God for the first time and began to hunger for His Word. What I began to hear from God was that He wanted me to not just hear His Word, but to DO WHAT IT SAYS! So, I began to do it, and it began to make a huge difference in my life life and those around me. It’s not always easy to do what it says, but I will tell you this … Every day gets better and better!

The things that you, Bryan and John teach in 33 The Series have made a huge impact in my life. I entered the system with no high school diploma 15 years ago. Today, with God’s help, I am 50 hours into an associates degree and working toward obtaining my Certification in Chemical Dependency – the very thing that the devil tried to use to take me out!

Authentic Manhood has been so much more than a class for me. It has really grown me up and helped me understand what manhood is supposed to be. Boy, did I ever have a distorted belief! It has helped me in my relationship with my wife and my sons. They tell me they can sense a difference in me when they visit and when we talk on the phone. It has helped me with my understanding of work and finances and many other areas of my life. Even in this place we can live out the example of Jesus and His calling for our lives.

Thank you for letting God use you to create something like this to reach men like me.

[Inmate # ***525]

Tierce Green