Letters From Prison [#3]

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By Tierce Green

Many of the stories I hear from prison inmates relate to breaking the cycle of a toxic version of masculinity modeled by a father’s presence or the painful void of his absence. This is poignantly clear in the letter below.

Dear Tierce,

Thank you for spending time with us in the Wynne Unit in Huntsville, TX. Your visit caused many of us to take our journey toward authentic manhood more seriously. In this prison environment it’s difficult to reach men for the distance is sometimes too great. So many men are hiding or trying to cover up the real issues. The idols, both surface and deep, are hard to expose or actualize in this place. I found myself growing weary, but you encouraged me to keep on pursuing my godly ambition of teaching young men about biblical manhood.

I’m currently finishing up a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Education through a correspondence course. I would love to be a part of a ministry that reaches out to children of incarcerated fathers because that's my story. My father has been in prison for as long as I can remember. I was raised by a single mom who did the best she could, but I didn't have any man to teach me what manhood really is.  At the age of 16, I was sentenced to serve a life sentence by the same judge who gave my father a life sentence. In my 25 years of incarceration the Lord has been bringing me into his purpose for my life. 33 The Series has helped me understand that God’s Word is alive and applicable to men in every season of life and in every circumstance.

One of our biggest challenges is to live out reproducible discipleship, to make disciples who are disciple-makers. As you well know, discipleship in prison has its own unique challenges. Men respond differently to various methods, which brings me to the main point of my letter. In my opinion, 33 The Series is the most relevant and effective tool to help us accomplish this purpose. We have the videos, but we need Training Guides. Can you help with this? If not all of them, maybe at least Volume 1: A Man and His Design and Volume 3: A Man and His Traps. I’ve seen the light come on for so many men in this prison when we have gone through 33, especially with those two volumes.

We currently have a senior warden who is a man of faith and filled with the grace and love of Christ. He has permitted me and a few others who have been trained to bring 33 The Series to what is called the G4 offenders. [These are inmates who have had repeated challenges adjusting to prison life.] We believe that they are not a lost cause. We believe that Jesus can transform anyone totally and suddenly. We want to call these men into authentic manhood knowing that this will play a big part in their transformation.

Please pray for us in these endeavors. May the Lord bless you and keep you according to his tender mercies and goodness.

[Inmate # ***435]

In a recent letter from this man, we learned that he has recently been granted parole and will be transitioning out of prison into the free world. Pray that God will prepare the way and provide people who can be extensions of his grace and offer community and support for this man who has come so far.

Tierce Green