Letters From Prison [#1]

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By Tierce Green

I had the opportunity to meet the man who wrote this letter while visiting the Hughes Unit in Gatesville, Texas. God continues to bring hope and healing to these inmates. Terry McDonald is one of the “free men” from the outside who freely and passionately give their time to step into this environment and point men like this to Jesus.

Dear Mr. Green,

I am an inmate in the Alfred Hughes Unit in Gatesville, Texas. I am writing to let you know how much the lessons you teach in 33 The Series have deeply moved me. It has inspired me to be the man God created me to be. I am one of three inmate facilitators who lead this class. We have two “free-world” facilitators who come in from the outside to help us. We meet once a week for about two hours. This week will be my turn to lead the discussion on “Healing” from Volume 2: A Man and His Story. I look forward to it as my life is being healed by God’s grace.

Whenever I think of where I am now compared to where I used to be, I am reminded of how much "rough molding" has been required in the Potter’s hands. In the past, I hurt  the people I loved, but now I know how to reach out to them with true love and humility that I never knew was possible. Being a part of Authentic Manhood has taught me a lot about myself and given me a respect for the community of men who are going through this with me. I now understand the value of this kind of fellowship and community that will be with me for the rest of my life.

I’m still trying to find my biological father. It won’t destroy me if I can’t, but it will help to heal some very deep wounds if I can. Considering where I came from, I don’t hold anything against him … I cannot ... I am wounded for sure, but I am being healed. God has given me a concern for my father’s wounds, which maybe nobody has ever asked him about. Perhaps I’ll find him one day and be able to share with him what God has done for me.

While these Authentic Manhood classes are awesome, I am hoping that you may be able to help me out with a couple of things. First, I want to extend an invitation for you to visit us at the Hughes Unit. It would mean a lot to me and the other men who are going through 33. The second request is about the Training Guides. The ones we have are used and worn. We don’t have enough guides for some of the volumes we are going through. Can you send us more? We would all be very grateful.

[Inmate #662***]

Tierce Green