Authentic Manhood Initiative is a strategic partnership with Authentic Manhood and 33 The Series. Tierce Green is the Director of this Initiative and a co-presenter for 33 The Series. Authentic Manhood Initiative is working with individuals, churches, and businesses to build a global network of men reaching men with the timeless principles of biblical manhood. 33 The Series is the framework for this initiative, illustrating God’s design and plan for men today and teaching them how to live a life of truth, passion, and purpose.
Tierce taught the principles of authentic manhood to over a thousand men each week in a seasonal gathering called The Quest in The Woodlands, Texas. He travels extensively as a coach, consultant, and keynote speaker for various events around the world. As a series presenter and course instructor, Tierce brings his firsthand experience and a broad perspective to the Authentic Manhood Initiative.
Tierce Green, Director of Authentic Manhood Initiative
Phone: (713) 890-2220
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Texas Department of Criminal Justice Approves 33 The Series by Authentic Manhood for Pre-Release Parole Studies
33 THE SERIES is now shortlisted among courses deemed highly valuable for inmates being considered for parole in 87 men’s prison facilities across the State of Texas.
Spring, TX – August 1, 2019 – The Texas Department of Criminal Justice continues to lead the nation with the lowest rates of recidivism. Through the introduction of faith-based dorms and programs focusing on basic adult education and life-skills, Texas continues to innovate with the introduction of 33 The Series, a six-part, faith-based course designed specifically for men. 33 The Series is a journey to authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus in his 33 years on earth.
The series, produced by Authentic Manhood, explores six critical areas of a man’s life and challenges them to understand God’s design and plan for their lives and the lives of those they interact with through friendship, work, marriage and parenting. The series is broken into the following six volumes with six lessons each:
Volume 1 – A Man and His Design: Discovering God's design for men with a clear definition and compelling vision of authentic manhood.
Volume 2 – A Man and His Story: Understanding and dealing responsibly with your past so you can enjoy God’s best for your future.
Volume 3 – A Man and His Traps: Identifying the deep idols of your heart and developing a battle plan that goes beyond behavior modification to transformation
Volume 4 – A Man and His Work: A blueprint for work from a higher perspective of truth, passion, and purpose that is satisfying and meaningful.
Volume 5 – A Man and His Marriage: An inspiring picture of marriage that will change everything if you feel stuck and encourage you if you’re already thriving.
Volume 6 – A Man and His Fatherhood: Practical and proven principles prepare you to launch healthy sons and daughters into the world.
Experiencing Authentic Manhood in a community of men has literally CHANGED MY LIFE! It inspires me everyday to be more like Jesus.
– Richard Violette, Author of Faith Tested
The comprehensive and dynamic content in Authentic Manhood and 33 The Series addresses the issues that are at the core of every man’s journey. With a relevant and biblical message, it empowers men from every background to find healing and restoration in a relationship with their True Father and in community with other men.
– Lt. Scott A. Dean, Command Chaplain, USS Emory S. Land
We have three crisis pregnancy locations around Paterson, New Jersey. If you don’t know Paterson, it is not the safest and nicest area in the state. I am a volunteer, not a professional. I have no formal Bible training. And ... I am 61, twice the age of most of these guys.
I have 10 guys that show up to our Authentic Manhood meetings fairly regularly. This is not your typical church men's fellowship. We have ...
An entrepreneur, Hispanic, no father, raised his siblings on his own when he was 18 , a one- year-old Christian.
A semi-pro football linebacker. When he walks in, everyone sits up!. Another young believer.
A real estate broker who brought a college friend who has struggled with several addictions.
A recently paroled prison inmate, not a believer.
A former San Francisco gang leader.
Two Muslims who just love the material and bring friends.
I have been in and led men's Bible Studies for decades. It is usually the same mix—same age, same ethnicity, same church. This is just a wild adventure with this Authentic Manhood material. The guys are real, they have honest practical questions. We do not sit around and discuss or debate religious concepts, that’s for sure!
Thanks for creating outstanding content that speaks grace and truth to men, and for developing a strategy that can be taken to the streets. Great stuff!
– Bill Stone, Volunteer at Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center, Patterson, New Jersey
I had 10 young men and a couple of retired guys tonight. We've actually had 4 guys put their faith in Jesus and 6 guys get baptized. My Saturday morning group is about the same size. God is doing great things through Authentic Manhood.
– Rick Sturgis, Owner of Rick’s Cigars, White House, TN
Authentic Manhood is making a huge impact on the Merchant Marine Academy campus. We have over 40 men gather every week. The men at the Academy are hungry for these timeless truths in this community of men. Parents call, professors comment, and the staff all know who the men are who attend because of the positive impact Authentic Manhood is having.
– Jerry Durham, Command Chaplain United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
We had a maximum room capacity turnout for Authentic Manhood at Fort Leavenworth Military Prison. God is doing mighty things in the lives of these men!
–Dan Haas, Chaplain, Ft. Leavenworth, KS
Authentic Manhood has been a huge success at Folsom State Prison. Inmates are putting their faith in Jesus and relationships with families are being restored.
– Bill Thomas, Prison Fellowship
I am pleased to inform you that we have been able to start meeting as authentic men in Kumasi, Ghana. Our first meeting was awesome! The discussion time was engaging as men shared openly after the session video. Thank you very much once again for this material.
– Elliot Koranteng Tannor, Kumasi, Ghana
We have been doing the Authentic Manhood series for quite a while now. We started about five years ago with only five men and it has grown to over a hundred! Keep in mind that we are a small church in a small city in South Africa. It’s been a great blessing seeing men change due to the impact of Authentic Manhood and 33 Series. Thank you for creating these materials that God is using to change the hearts of so many men.
– Willem Nelson, South Africa
In the greater Cape Town region of South Africa we have a particular challenge around high rates of poverty and unemployment, along with associated socio-economic challenges of a gangster culture, alcohol and substance abuse, and increasing levels of prostitution and human trafficking. The areas with the most challenging environments are those areas facing an epidemic of fatherlessness. It’s for this reason that I felt compelled to introduce Authentic Manhood to my sphere of influence.
Through facilitating 33 The Series, I've seen a marriage saved from the brink of divorce, a man forgiving his ex-wife after being divorced for two years, an unmarried man express how invaluable the sessions were to prepare him for married life. One of the best stories is of an unsaved guy who joined us under no pressure and who later committed his life to following Jesus as a result of the community that had formed through our weekly meetings.
Thank you for putting this material together! What a privilege it has been to see the love, grace, and power of God at work in the lives of men who chose to participate. I've seen first-hand how this has the power to enter households and change the lives of men who would not be found near a traditional church. Authentic Manhood has helped us take Jesus to them.
– Errol Van Staden, Cape Town, South Africa
We started with five men and quickly went up to 14-15 on a weekly basis. We meet around the fire pit with snacks and cigars and watch a session from 33 The Series followed by about 30 minutes of discussion. All of the guys show up excited to learn and are quick to brag about how this experience is helping their relationships and overall lives. With the number of high- ranking military men and contractors in our group, the name of Jesus is being carried into places of vast influence. God bless you and thank you for battling with us.
– Michael R. Burke, Emergency Response Team, Baghdad Embassy Security Force, U.S. Embassy, Baghdad, Iraq