Your Personal Spiritual Trainer

The Bible compares spiritual development to a physical workout ...

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (Hebrews 12:1)

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. (Philippians 2:12-13)

Spiritual growth requires a good diet and regular exercise. The Good Feed Media App is like a portable spiritual trainer with a healthy menu of content for personal growth and spiritual development. Fat-free. Spiritually filling.

Main course items are on the Media Series channel with multi-session topical and Bible book studies. Most sessions provide a digital outline with spaces to record your thoughts and personal applications. Click the OUTLINE button under the description or the TAKE A NOTE button if you prefer a blank page. Sign in to your profile, and your notes will sync across your devices.


Essentials For Life

Eight sessions for men and women presented by Tierce Green. This series constructs a framework for spiritual growth that is built with three Essential Relationships — Devotion To God, Community With Believers, and Influence With Others. Each session is around 30 minutes.


Fight Club: Some Things Are Worth Fighting For

Twelve sessions for men presented by Tierce Green. Fight Club is packed with straight talk to help men build a strong and active faith. Each session is around 30 minutes.


The Cure For Toxic Masculinity

Three short sessions for men presented by Tierce Green. This micro-series is a good conversation starter about what manhood is intended to be. Each session is around 6 minutes.


The Captivating Experience

Seven sessions for women presented by Stasi Eldredge. This series reveals every woman's longing to be loved, play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and bring life and beauty to the world. The main sessions are under 20 minutes each.


The Wild At Heart Experience

Seven sessions for men featuring the teaching of John Eldredge and stories of men pursuing their warrior hearts through God's invitation of battle, adventure, and beauty. The main sessions are around 20 minutes each.


How To Study The Bible

Three sessions for men and women presented by Bruce Webb. This short series provides practical principles for understanding and applying God’s Word. Each session is around 30 minutes. (No outlines or discussion questions.)


— 5-Minute Bible StudieS —

These four series by Paul Tripp are perfect to kick-start your Bible Study journey or as a supplement to one of the other media series on this channel.

The Gospel One Book At A Time

Summaries of each book of the Bible and how they point us to Jesus.


The Gospel One Psalm At A Time

Selected Psalms with discussion questions for men and women, plus questions for younger and older children.


The Gospel One Proverb At A Time

A thematic study of Proverbs and how this book of wisdom points to Jesus.


The Gospel One Letter At A Time

Insights from the Letter of 1 Peter.



Individual Talks

Standalone topical messages and exegetical scripture studies. Pick five or six to experience with a friend or small group.



Personal stories of faith for inspiration and examples of application.



Videos of original songs to guide your personal worship or begin a small group session.


[1] Find a Partner. It’s always best to process what you’re learning with another person or small group of friends. Be sure each person has downloaded the Good Feed Media App and signed in to their profile. Questions to get the conversation started are at the end of most media series sessions. Aim to make it conversational, not just a clinical ask-and-answer session.

[2] Watch the Sessions.  (1) Watch independently, then discuss in person or via a video/conference call. (2) Watch together by connecting your phone or tablet to a streaming device. (3) For larger public gatherings, purchase a Video Bundle Download and project the sessions via the A/V system in your venue. A print-ready PDF of the workbook is also available if you prefer an analog format. Learn more at

[3] Listen to the Sessions. Switch to the audio-only version by clicking the three dots on the bottom right of a video session, or just listen to the video version as you drive, walk, or work out. Perfect for make-up and review. Repetition is key.

[4] Build God’s Word Into Your Life. When scriptures resonate with your life experience, make notes and memorize them. Transformation happens when our minds are renewed as we meditate on God’s Word. Again, repetition is key.

[5] Practical Application. Information without application always leads to frustration. Aim for personal applications. Write them down. Share them with a trustworthy friend who will reciprocate by sharing their personal applications with you.

Tierce Green

Tierce has over 40 years of professional ministry experience, including 25-plus years as a full-time speaker for conferences and retreats and 15 years of local church ministry in various roles, from a Student Pastor in a church of 1,200 to an Executive Pastor in a church of 12,000 regular attendees. His mission has always been to help men and women experience the full and meaningful life promised by Jesus.

Tierce’s mission is accomplished primarily through speaking, coaching, and creating biblically-based content. He utilizes two specific channels to realize his goals: Authentic Manhood Initiative and Good Feed Media.

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