Passing the Torch

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By Tierce Green

Larry Reamy was just one man out of a thousand attending a seasonal gathering called The Quest in The Woodlands, TX. The impact on his life compelled him to lead other men in the journey toward authentic manhood. Here is his story and a challenge to the men he has led.

Larry’s Story:

Being a 33 host for the past few years has been a real joy for me. I have met so many unbelievable men, young and old, that have enriched my life. You have taught me so much about being a biblical father, husband, friend, and boss.

The Quest For Authentic Manhood started me on a new journey. God gave me an incredible peace and an overwhelming urge to bring men together and learn how to be real men. I knew that 33 The Series would be an effective tool to help bring men out of their shell and create a solid foundation and a safe place for them to learn and grow.

My job was just to start this movement and then back away and watch it take off. It took a little longer than I originally imagined, but that was exactly what God had planned. Galatians 6:9 (NIV) says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

My time in this particular hosting role on my patio is up. The past four years have changed my life immeasurably. It is time to pass on that torch to a few solid men who I have grown to love, respect, and admire.

God has been reaching into your soul and imparting in you the same passion to lead other men as he did me. You know who you are! It's time to step out of your comfort zone, trust God, and take a step to help change men's lives in our community.

Don't let costs hold you back. A man should, and will pay $20 for each volume of 33 which will include his training guide and cover your video download cost of $30. You don't have to absorb these costs. Give men a chance to have some skin in the game and invest in something that will make an eternal difference in their life!

Need help implementing your plan to reach men? Let us know what’s on your heart. We’re here to guide you and provide the support you need.

What are you waiting for?

Tierce Green